Marc Mentzer received a BA from Dickinson College, his MBA from McGill University, and his PhD from Indiana University.
Marc’s main research interests are management history and employment regulations, and his research has appeared in over twenty publications.
Selected Publications
- M. S. Mentzer, 2023. Public Sector Corruption Among the United States: Exploring the Impact of Cultural Values. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 42(2), 251-266.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2021. The Tipping Dilemma: Restaurant Gratuities in Canada, Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, 6(2), 1-10.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2019. The Edifice Complex as Goal Displacement in the Corporate Skyscraper, International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 10(1), 37-52.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2017. Attitudes Toward Employee Rights Among the States: Why Vermont Is Not Like Mississippi, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 36, 1, 67-78.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2013. The Payment of Gratuities by Customers in the United States: An Historical Analysis, International Journal of Management (UK). 30(3), 108-120.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2010. Scientific Management and the American Hotel. Management & Organizational History, 5, 3-4, 428-446.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2007. A Quantitative Approach to National Culture and Employment Law. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 19, 4, 263-277.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2006. Irrational Optimism in a Declining Industry: Sir Adam Beck’s Interurban Railway Proposal. Management & Organizational History, 1, 4, 371-384.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2005, Toward a Psychological and Cultural Model of Downsizing. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 8, 993-997.
- M. S. Mentzer, 2002. The Canadian Experience with Employment Equity Legislation. International Journal of Value-Based Management, 15, 1, 35-50.